The Dyslexic Feminist
The Dyslexic Feminist [2021 - till I die ]
Ongoing Performance and/or Lifestyle
Ongoing Performance and/or Lifestyle
This is a series of ongoing works, performances and grafitti. I'm dealing with the difficulty of becoming embroiled in gender identity word games from the perspective of a dyslexic feminist. , The constant changing and reversing of words and meanings from day to day terminology to Judith Bulter word salads and the ultimate effects this has on law and socitey, The works are made with some degree of humour, frustration and anger. None of this will be documented further here - it exists untaimed out there.
The Worst Sentence Ever
Judith Butler from her article “Further Reflections on the Conversations of Our Time,” in Diacritics (1997)
Judith Butler from her article “Further Reflections on the Conversations of Our Time,” in Diacritics (1997)
The Dyslexic Feminist, (Artificial Terf) shown at Mall Galleries 2021, Edition 1/14 (All Sold)
Cancel Culture
There's been alot of publicity in the media around my deplatforming as the result of me liking a couple of innocious tweets. There has also been mispreresentation and misinformation. The Daily Telegraph kindly gave me the right to reply in my own words. Here's the link to the original article in The Telegraph in 2021. Images below incase it's beind a paywall.
Here's an example of one of the last lectures I gave at UAL. The student union put out this statement before I came on site. This message then gave permission to many TRAS to then go and harass me and my family on social media. It's also full of false information, hence being removed from their website after the damage was done as it probably quaifies for being libalious. The irony of trying to deplatform a Lesbian artist during LGBT history month was not missed. [And for the record most Lesbian's are not happy with the gender ideologists view that men can be lesbians and we're bigots if we don't agree - I think that's called homophobia !].